Super Power: Emotion Controller
2021 spring / Studio 4
Super Power: Emotion Controller
2021 spring / Studio 4Brief: “Create a technological ‘super power’ prototype which is demoed or performed.”
Some people feel grief much longer than others, whereas some recover much faster, some people get nervous easily, while some are completely indifferent in the same situations. "Why do people have different emotions and reactions?" is the question that's been on my mind for a long time. As a sensitive person with a low level of resilience, I've always wanted to have better control over my feelings and emotion.
So in this project, I would like to imagine a superpower of observing current states of mind and predict feelings and emotions that will happen in the future.
So in this project, I would like to imagine a superpower of observing current states of mind and predict feelings and emotions that will happen in the future.

In the first attempt, I imagined an emotion forecast visualization tool.

From the first attempt, I got feedback that my “super power” might look like a too-familiar app service. So I was looking for scenarios that look less like an app service and still wanted to continue developing what I was interested in which is emotion control. Inspired by an air purifier machine, in my second attempt, I was thinking of changing emotion energy through a certain machine.
1. room with emotion purifier
2. angry person shows up
3. room becomes full of angry energy and air in the room changes 3. emotion purifier turns on
4. Red light flickers and then operates
5. light changes from light to green
6. person’s emotion changes from anger to calm
After getting advice that “superpower” could be more personal (and more specific about its usage), I made a future scenario where I could use emotion controller depending on different situations.
As modern society is getting more complex, having “multi persona” is becoming a huge trend in Korea ( Inspired by this phenomenon, I imagine the future scenario where we can shift our emotional characters (different persona) as free as we want.
There have been chemical treatments for people who are suffering from depressions or anxiety disorder. I wonder if this kind of chemical treatment could be used in other ways in the future. I was speculating the future where we could change our emotional characters by using the smart lens and chemical treatement (controller).

(Video will be updated soon)