Digital Ecologies: Parasite
2020 fall / Creative Tech 1
Team Project with Shiny Shuan-Yi Wu
“We will create small electronic organisms that have an ability to sense their environment,
perceptibly react to it, collect data about it and share that data over a wireless network.
We will link these organisms together to create an electronic ecology.”
“We will create small electronic organisms that have an ability to sense their environment,
perceptibly react to it, collect data about it and share that data over a wireless network.
We will link these organisms together to create an electronic ecology.”
Project deliverables
- Small communities of interconnected devices collecting and
exchanging data and responding to the data collected by the others in their community
- Physical sensors connected to small networked bodies,
transmitting data to common web-based IoT platform
- Web pages displaying the data and allowing a glimpse
into the inner lives of those communities
I've always thought sensing pulse could be an exciting way of seeing (knowing) our mind because pulse and heartbeat have a lot to do with our feelings. So by getting data(numbers) from my pulse (body),
I wanted to explore the idea of digitalizing what's unseen and unrevealed (our state of mind). Using my pulse data as a part of the digital ecology system,I created a portable pulse sensing wrist. I also wanted to see if it makes any meaningful data changes and communicate with my teammate's device remotely with the device.
- Small communities of interconnected devices collecting and
exchanging data and responding to the data collected by the others in their community
- Physical sensors connected to small networked bodies,
transmitting data to common web-based IoT platform
- Web pages displaying the data and allowing a glimpse
into the inner lives of those communities
I've always thought sensing pulse could be an exciting way of seeing (knowing) our mind because pulse and heartbeat have a lot to do with our feelings. So by getting data(numbers) from my pulse (body),
I wanted to explore the idea of digitalizing what's unseen and unrevealed (our state of mind). Using my pulse data as a part of the digital ecology system,I created a portable pulse sensing wrist. I also wanted to see if it makes any meaningful data changes and communicate with my teammate's device remotely with the device.

Our final outcome was a web page that can interact with each other's variable datas.
Graphic elements move around based on each other's data
so we named it "Parasite" to point out that our data rely on each other.
Final webpage:
Contribution: Webpage -Shiny, illustion elements- Nayoung
Title: parasite
Group: Nayoung, Shiny
Tool: Particle Photon, Illustrator, P5js, Adobe XD (for collaboration)